Monday, July 18, 2011

Memorial Day Camping Trip

Lance & I threw together a last minute camping trip over Memorial Day, we took the kiddos, 4~wheelers & his parents trailer & went up to the Hotsprings Camperworld in Plymouth. We swam & 4wheeled, my parents & Mist & her girls all came up Saturday so we could try out our dutch oven skills on them & it ended up storming on us. It was fun though, here are some pics from that trip....
Here the kiddos & I went "fishing" in the super high river water while Lance & papa were golfing.

Here's Lukey in his prison at the beginning of the storm

The kiddos on the first night chillin around the campfire.

The kids & I all ready to hit the trails :)

Roo LoVeS him some s'mores!! ;)

Chillin in the nice warm pools

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