These are a few of the events that my little Andy Roo has experienced . . .
He got his first hair washing at the hospital a few hours after being born . . .His first bath came along with it . . .
*Then just 3 days after coming to this earth Andy got to come home and play with his Big Sister. . . Sami is so excited to be a big sister (so long as nobody but her holds him and he stays in his bouncer unless she wants to get in it)
*5 days old and my little angel went to his first Birthday Party . . . Thanks Syd for waiting to have it until Andy could come. (grandma, Great-grandma, Great-grandpa, Andy and "regular" grandpa).
*This is just a fun picture of my Andrew on his 2 week appointment which was also the day of the dreaded circ!! (Sorry no pictures of that!) Lance and I opted to be with the little guy through such a heart-wrenching procedure. (Lance had to sit down after the numbing shots. . . he claimed sympathy pain- I don't get it this guy can watch anything including 2 labors with a front row seat and not even flinch but one tiny needle in his sons winker and he's out cold(?))
*Andy lost his umbilical cord and got his first and only belly-button at 2 weeks and 3 days old. Isn't it cute?
*On the 22nd of May my cousin Brett got married and Andy attended his first wedding and reception at 18 days old. He's the one surrounded by all the girls!
(Sydnee, Breqlynn, Andrew, Haylee, Hazel and Samantha) Devin and Camerin left early otherwise we would've forced them in the pic as well ;-)
*Andrew had his first Memorial Day and went to see uncle Alan and Great-grandpa Coombs' graves for the first time when he was 3 weeks old.
The big girls loved holding little Andy-Roo for the pictures. Thanks girls!!
*Unfortunately Andy also had his first not-too fun experiences before he turned one month when he got his first fever and cold last week which resulted in his first trip to the hospital. It was not a fun experience.
This is a picture of me last Saturday Morning bathing Andy trying to get the little guys temp down before taking him up to the E.R.
This is us at our not very fun day at the hospital. Only 26 days old, and my little man was so brave.
This was an eventful month. Between colic, circumcissions and everything else at this point I can honestly say my Sami Sam was an easier baby. we're hoping that means he'll be an easier 2 year old!! ;-) Maybe he'll be sleeping during the night and spitting up less by then. I hope this makes sense to any who read it the lack of sleep is starting to turn my brain to mush so please don't hold any typo's against me.
what an eventfull month. I couldn't help but laugh about the circumcissions. You guys are brave, we just had them do that at the hospital the day after he was born and we couldn't watch. I hope he is feeling better and this next month goes smother for you. One of these days we will get our butts up there so see cute little Andy.
Yes! Eventful is right. I thought you were so brave taking him everywhere of course I'll be a first time mom so I'm not sure how anal I'll be. :) He's such a little stud. He's so adorable. I thought it was only a LITTLE funny that you said eventful month because the start of this month is very eventful as well. Let us know if you need anything. :)
I was finally updating my blog when I saw you just had a little boy. Congrats! Take it from me, boys are energetic. Good luck.
What a sweet little man! I just love him to death! It is so sad how fast time goes by I can't believe it has been a month already:( And like I've told you already, let us know if you need anything with lance were more then willing to help with whatever!
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