Friday, June 5, 2009

One Month Old/OUCH

MY Little Andy turned ONE MONTH yesterday!!
We started out our day by going to Syd and Breqy's Graduation! Congrats girls you looked adorable and did very good with your performing!!

Then the fun began . . . NOT!! I went straight from the graduation to work, I'm not officially back yet I just wanted to go and help out with payroll. So, I was there a couple of hours when I got a phone call on my dying phone where Robert (a guy lance works with) said Lance had an accident, he fell and the ambulance would be taking him to Ogden Regional and was that ok? SO of course my phone is beeping so I hurry and tell him yes Ogden Regional is fine and I'll meet him there. So before the phone goes completely I call my mom who's watching Sam and give her a 15 sec explanation before texting Kyle the same. I run home to grab my charger to only find my wall one, and head up to the hospital. Kyle and the ambulance just barely beat me there. I go in, answer Lance's check in questions with the receptionist and wait . . . all they would tell us is that he's talking but no one can go back. This is frustrating. So anyway finally they let us back, by then Shay and Clay have come and I sent Shay with Andrew so that he could be fed. Kyle and I go back and this is what we saw . . .

Now first we noticed the chin, which made Kyle take a giant leap for the curtain door looking ghost white. Then I made the mistake of asking what the damage was which drew our attention to the wrist making me gasp and Kyle leave looking more than a little green.
So my sister came in after Kyle escaped and acted all cool and no big deal-ish. Come to find out that five seconds after she left she was laying on her back on the waiting room floor almost passed out cold. My dad ended up taking her home and getting my mom, probably the only one in my family who was excited about seeing Lance and his injury. We were trying to wait for my dad to come back to give Lance a blessing before the surgeon put Lance out to try and set his wrist, but the pain was too much and the nurse and I had to cover him up to his eye balls so my queasy brothers Clay and Kyle could come back in the room long enough to bless him. Thanks guys. I was fairly impressed with Clay who didn't even pass out just turned so white he was see-through. And thank you Kyle for staying upright! :-)
Anyway, Lance fell at work when a ladder that was on a deck gave out. He claims to have fallen 12 feet but when my brothers picked up his car and looked where he fell they think it was more like 18. He broke through both bones in his wrist (obviously). The doctors were hoping they could set it and be done but its in too many pieces they're going to have to do surgery next week to put pins and plates in so that he'll heal correctly. He's doing good so far, 7 stiches in his chin, aching everything, a head ache, very bad stubbed toe and the wrist. They gave him vicodin for the pain and I give it to him every 4-6 hours as necessary until we go in on Monday. Wish us luck!
Oh and if anyone knows of a desk job opening, I'm going to be getting Lance one! ;-)


Melody and Lance said...

Seriously, I have never been so close to passing out. I am officially a huge wimp!!!

Mistie & Girls said...

sorry, I didn't notice Mel was still signed in here, that comment was definatly mine.

Sarah Scott said...

Ouch. Talk about a busy day. Good luck with surgery.

Lauren said...

LOL Mistie you're funny! I was a little confused for a second. I'm kinda glad I was at work so I didn't have to see all of it. Hope everything goes good on Monday. I'm sure we'll be talking to ya soon!

Claudemir and Corbi Lima said...

wow mel!! im glad that he only broke his wrist! thats scary! i hope everything heals quickly!! if ya need anything let me know!
ps. i cant believe that andrew is already a month old!

Eliza said...

Oh my word I am about to join the ranks of your brothers and pass out! that looks awful! I'm so glad that considering everything it was only his wrist (still a huge pain I am sure). Andrew/Andy is so dang cute, Congratulations!