Thursday, May 7, 2009

He's Here!!

Andrew Lance Jensen 7lbs 8oz!!
He's beautiful and healthy and I love him so much!
So Monday morning Lance and I woke up early to go up to the hospital. We got there around 6am checked in and got started on pitocin "pit". It was great. I was so nervous everyone that knew I was getting started either had themselves been started or knew of someone who had and it was rarely a good story, they claimed it was a harder longer labor and I should just wait until the baby decides to come on his own. Well we didn't and let me tell you . . . my water was broke around 8ish and although i had to have two epidurals I was numb by 10:50 and the baby came at 11:59 as predicted by my nurse (before noon). It was the best labor and delivery anyone could hope for. Besides contracting for a little longer than I wanted given the two epis and being FAR too numb when it was time to finally push it was great! and the healing is already a thousand times better than it was with Sami . . . to this I credit my wonderful Midwife. He even had to fix a few things that had gone wrong while I was healing with Sami and still I was up and about just a few hours after the numbing wore off. But everything is great, we've had some minimal latching on problems but even my milk came in last night and I still feel wonderful!

Ok so enough about me lets talk about Andy . . . He's adorable! He looks a lot like Sami did (so cute!) He does have cross-eyes but I think that just adds to his charm! He sleeps more than Sami did and isn't as alert as she was but all and all a good little man. He eats like a champ and poops like one too. Everyone that meets my little guy falls instantly in love. He has hardly cried a peep but when he does Sami is sure to tell me and be right there holding his hand and patting his head saying "is ok Andwew I'm here" she is such a great big sister. She loves him already and although she does like her attention she's actually not been too bad (knock on wood). She doesn't however like her grandpa and great-grandpa to hold baby brother. She tells them "you gotta put him back" (in his bouncer) when she's had enough. Everyone came up to the hospital to meet little Andy and my big girl nieces were so adorable with him. Breq and Syd are actually really good at holding him pretty much by themselves so long as someone is sitting with them. They were all very cute. Sorry Cam that you're still a little too young to hold the baby all by yourself even though you think you're quite the adult. :) Thanks everyone for your support and love and all the cute little presents you got for our little guy. I love my family!!

Well, Here's some pictures I'll try and get more up here as soom as I can.


Lauren said...

Yeah! He's such a cutie. When I was reading that it gave me the chills. Crazy! Don't know why but I love it. I can't wait for my little guy to arrive. You have such a cute family Mel and I'm so glad Sami is doing better then everyone thought she would. :) He's such a handsome little guy and I'm glad everything turned out good for you. I have a present for baby Andrew.... When we see you next I'll get it to ya. :) CONGRATS again you guys!

Mistie & Girls said...

He is darling! We love him so much and can't wait to start babysitting him. Congratulations little sister I love you.

Kyle and Shayla said...

I have to agree with Lauren I got the chills when I was reading through it! I guess its just because its such a special experience. He is such a sweet little guy! with some nice ol' kissing lips:)Congratulations!!!

shreevit2beaver said...

I love his name, He's so cute too. Once he gets a little bigger we'll have to go out for lunch.

Eliza said...

I am a little late but wow congratulations! I swear I just read you were pregnant, that pregnancy flew by (for me, ha ha) : ) He is adorable and so is your cute little sami, what a cute family! Congrats