Tuesday, April 28, 2009


So today I went in for another appointment. It was my 38 week appointment and since I opted to forgo the cervical exam last week I had no choice but to endure it this week . . . .UGH!! Lets just say it was a painful and depressing appointment. The little guy is still snuggled up so much with my placenta or bladder that we can never get a good picture of his face so far we've only ever seen about half at a time, so we can only assume he wont be funny looking . . . kidding. Anyway my doctor said this when I asked how dilated I was "a little" I said what exactly does that mean and he told me its what they say when they don't want the moms to get discouraged. Nice huh!?
So anyway, we'll be getting started next Monday. May 4th 2009!! yay there is a light at the end of the tunnel!! ;) We have to go in on Sunday for a fun little procedure, I wont get into, that will help me dilate and then hopefully when we go in on Monday I'll be far enough that the labor wont be too long. Although I think the doctors definition and mine on TOO long is relative. We're excited though. I'm a little disappointed I was hoping that he would decide to come on his own before we get started but this appointment has squashed that hope. O well, I'll take the little guy as soon as I can get him! Now all that's left to do it figure out a babysitter for Sami Sam, pack and bag and . . . what else . . . . oh ya . . . come up with a name for "baby brother". ;-) I think we can handle the first two but that last one is seriously stumping us. I think I may just have to veto Lance's naming ability and secretly fill out the Birth Certificate myself while he's occupied elsewhere.

Well, here's the last good pictures we got of our shy little guys face . . Yes we know he has huge lips! Also you'll notice his tongue is sticking out in one of the pictures, that would be because he is licking the side of his sac that is up against my bladder . . .yes my bladder! My doc insists this isn't as gross as it sounds he says it probably means he'll be an excellent nurser!!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

We can't wait to see the little guy! I'm getting so excited. :) The tongue thing is a little gross ha ha but he's a total cutie. Good Luck with everything and when he arrives we'll be heading up there. :)