Friday, April 24, 2009


I know this is kind of a late post, but our Easter was really nice this year. Sami's a little older so she had more fun dying and hunting eggs than she has before. Even though when she started out the egg hunt she was being picky with which egg she would put in her basket making her and the other 2yr old the very last ones hunting. It was so much fun to watch her, I don't think I had as much fun hunting eggs when I was younger as I did this year watching all the kids! We had a nice dinner with my parents, Mistie and her girls. It was a very peaceful dinner with Lance being the only guy besides dad there. No offense boys! It was really nice to be able to remember why we celebrate Easter and all that our Savior has done for each of us. I am truly grateful for my family and for how close we all are.
I hope everyone's holiday was just as special.


Kyle and Shayla said...

Sammi looked so cute! I never saw her in her Easter dress yet! Grandma sure did a great job! I am truly offended that you think its more peaceful with out all the guys around. No just kidding I'm just wondering when I get to come over and have a peaceful Sunday dinner without Kyle;)

shreevit2beaver said...

I love Sami's hair, it's getting so long. She looks way cute in her Easter dress. Glad you guys had a great holiday.