I want to update everyone on how the family is doing and what the kiddos are up to....
Samantha Leigh .... our 15 year old.... just had her 3rd Birthday!! I can NOT believe my little baby girl is 3 years old!?!? Where does the time go? So anyway here are some of the things I hope to remember about Sami Sam at this age.... she acts and talks like an adult, seriously, if you have ever had a conversation with my little drama queen you'll be nodding your head in agreement. She's so funny and so smart. my favorite saying of Sami's started when she was about 2 and its "I be not can leive it!" some of the other funny things she says are " it's not a big idea mom" (big deal). If someone is sad (or pretends to be) she'll say "it's ok mom, I will buy you a new one" or " it's ok mom, I love you" (while patting my cheeks or petting my hair) Her new thing lately has been to be my "protector" if her daddy is harassing or tickling or even trying to kiss me she always comes to my aid and yells at him saying he can't do that to her mommy because I'm HER mommy! then she'll grab my hand and say "come on mom, I'll protect you from the beast" (daddy OR ebony depending on the instance) It cracks me up.
Her "maturity" has a funny dramatizing effect sometimes too. Like when she "pouts" I wish I had a picture to post because it is priceless! She'll just all of a sudden walk off with her hands on her cheeks, shoulders slumped and head down. She usually goes to a corner of some wall and just sits that way pretending not to look at anyone until I come and ask her whats wrong. Sami is also at the big girl one minute and baby the next, stage. She's very independent and strong willed but at nap and bedtime she likes her mommy to "carry her like a baby" and throw her on her bed. She'll also pretend to be asleep when we get home and have me carry her in from the car. She knows she's supposed to have her eyes closed but she doesn't realize most sleeping children aren't smiling from ear to ear. =)
So I know a lot of these things are probably only unique and memorable for me but she did develop one quirky thing that is difficult for anyone around her to ignore and that would be ..... "Boobie" .... yes, Boobie! Boobie appeared sometime after Andy Roo was born. She has come and gone through the last few months. Boobie is Sami's imaginary friend who is able to posess my daughters body parts at will (creepy ay?) If Sami gets unbuckled when she's not supposed to or kicks or throws something she's not supposed to you can bet that the guilty limb was "boobie". So what to do? Can you punish a child when their imaginary friend is the one in the wrong? "Boobie" likes to fight with Sam too. She tells Sami things to make Sami mad until I have to put her in time out. Yes... I discipline an imaginary child/limb. For instance; on Sami's Birthday Boobie kept telling her it wasn't her Birthday, that it was Boobie's Birthday until Sami would actually cry .... seriously my daughter cries about what "BOOBIE" says ?!?! It's so funny and everyone who finds out about Boobie thinks its hilarious Sam has an imaginary friend but even more so that she named her "Boobie" Lance laughs and say that Boobie is Andy favorite friend too. Perverse I know ;) But true all the same.
On to the babe... My little Andy Roo B Doo!! He is my prince. If ever you are having a bad day just hold this little cuddle bug and all your worries will melt away ... okay so that's only half true. Your worries will most definately melt away when around the guy but because he smiles and laughs at absolutely EVERYTHING!! Seriously the happiest baby EVER!! Even teething couldn't make this baby fussy! (Yes he got a tooth!!) My sweet little baby has a tooth!!1 :*( Really he's only truly wooped up a good cry a handfull of times before this weekend, when he got two ear infections on top of his vaccinations and teething. But I don't blame the poor guy no one likes to be sick!! Don't let his happiness fool you, while he loves being held and getting attention he will NOT snuggle. He will laugh and smile and even attack your face in some semblance of a kiss (or eating) but he will not snuggle. Even if he accidently lays his head on your shoulder know that this is most definately on accident and will probably never happen again. =) He is a very active boy! He just turned 6 months and he's already reached many milestones. He is 17.8lbs! He's in the 90% for height and 60% for weight!! My big boy!! He loves eating!! We started Andy on cereal when he was about 2 months old to help with his spitting up and he has just flourished with real food! He's eaten everything we have given him with a smile on his face! He's also a bit of a spaz, my family jokes about him having teretts (can't spell). He moves all over the place now. He rolls, scoots and sits up. He's so adorable and such a joy! he loves his sister and always has even though she's just now starting to show any interest in him. He'll laugh at anyone but he always seems the happiest when he has her attention. She's been the only one to make him happy while he's been sick. What a Great Big Sister!!
So these are my kiddos!! I love them and Lance SO much! My little family is such a blessing to me! While we don't have much and aren't rich we are so very happy!! Just lately through this last summer I have truly realized how very blessed I am to have all that I do and I am so grateful! I will try to post some updated pics of all that's been going on with my growing fam as soon as I can!