Monday, November 9, 2009

PICS to go with my last Post

This is Samantha Leigh's Birthday cake I made her for her 3rd Birthday Party!
These are some of Sami's gifts. She got so much stuff!! Thanks everyone! she's already tried on and worn most the clothes, used the bubblebath, doll house, coloring books etc. (no bike riding yet and no painting thus far) and she carries around her candle with her everywhere.

Here's the Birthday girl the next day sporting her new cowgirl boots and not much else. ;) Yes I realize her hair is out of control but daddy babysat that day and when that happens I'm usually grateful she's not running around outside buck naked!

My sweet little baby... isn't he adorable?!?
Here they are showing off Andy's new trick ... (sitting up)
Our trip to the zoo (FINALLY!!) We've tried to go before and actually came really close a few weeks ago, we had everyone available and coming we all piled ourselves, stroller, snacks, drinks and kids into the cars and took off. Unfortunately once we hit the construction zone on I-15 there was an accident of some kind and we were literally in a standstill for 2 hrs!! Can you imagine being in a car, not moving, with four children all 3 and under? I can and it wasn't fun. Three of the kids in Shay's car actually had to get out and pee on the cement barrier separating us from the oncoming traffic. (and if we hadn't started moving when we did I was going to have to join them!!)
Anywho, we made it, most of us, (sorry Maddy and Lauren, we missed you and your boys) and we saw a whole bunch of animals and their babies. Almost everything was out and active and it was so much fun!
This is just a fun pic of me and the chillins.... chillin.
Here's Andy-Roo and our cousin Trey! Such adorable baby boys!
Halloween for our family was fun!! Sami was Dorothy, and even though she's never seen the Wizard of Oz she was sure to tell everyone who she was and who she got to carry in her basket. Andy Roo of course was the cutest cowardly lion I've ever seen and you can guess at what Lance and my costumes were .... No I wasn't a freakin elephant!!! We were good, although we probably should've coincided with Clay and Lauren because they had the most adorable scare crow ever!! (sorry Lance but its true)
And of course ... Sage! We Love our "Sage-y girl"! Sami and I both love to get on her bareback and just let her walk around.


Lauren said...

We're so glad Sami like her candle. ha ha that's so funny cause it was supposed to be a joke. That pic of you with Trey and Andi is so so cute. I love how Andi is just looking at Trey. Your kids are adorable and we're so happy we get to be apart of their lives. :)

Kyle and Shayla said...

What a bunch of cutie bums! I'm so jealous of those boots! I like your new Fanily picture

Kimi said...

Love the halloween costumes! Hey Thanks so much for letting us come horse back riding. Mikayla had a ball and so did I! You are a peach!!