Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Well, it was 4 years ago today that Lance and I started our family. I remember that day very well: I woke-up extremely early so that my sister-in-law Shayla and her sister Felicia could come to my mom's and do my hair and make-up. After hours of primping I was FINALLY beautiful and ready to go. Lance was supposed to pick me up and we finished just in time .... to wait. Lance did eventually turn up to take me to the temple and he was only about 45 minutes LATE!! Evidently he was under the impression that it was okay to be late because it wasn't like I was going to get married without him (ugh!!) So after I had semi-calmed down we started on our way to our wedding. About half way to Logan I discovered I had forgotten my white shoes, the only ones I had were the dark brown ones I had on. I called some people to stop by my house on their way and grab them but since we were late getting going everyone was ahead of us ... go figure! So we made it to the temple (minus my white shoes) just as everyone else was going inside. I ran with my mom to the brides room and after a lot of rush and a little more trauma (I wont go into) I was finally ready. I remember standing with Lance in the most beautiful room ever before he took me in to the sealing room. We just stared at each other. I was so nervous. Then we walked into the sealing room hand in hand where all our family and friends were waiting and the feeling was remarkable. The ceremony was beautiful, even though I cried through most of it and tried to put Lance's ring on the wrong hand afterwards. That day had a lot of drama with it. Besides being late there were a lot of small things that went "wrong" like: the temple grounds being renovated so that there was no flowers or fountain for pictures . . . . the cake lady having the wrong address and not showing up until after the reception was supposed to start. . . . our tires being flattened as a practical joke right before we were supposed to leave the reception. . . . our wedding video being lost (and never found) directly after the reception. I could go on with these fond memories of not only the magical day itself but also the dinner the night before ;^) but I wont. =) However in spite of all those little things that went awry that day it truly was wonderful and I wouldn't change anything about it .... except maybe the losing of the wedding video :) Since that day Lance and I have had our "ups" and a LOT of "downs" but I'm happy to say we are even more in love today then we ever thought possible 4 years ago. He truly is my eternal companion and I wouldn't have it any other way!! While I know that I could live without Lance I am so grateful for having him every day! We have the two most adorable, beautiful children in the entire universe and LOVE our life together!!

I love you BABE! Lets try for another 4 years at least okay. ;)


Kyle and Shayla said...

Happy Anniversary! Four years already pretty crazy!

Lauren said...

Wow! So Crazy! 4 years! Congrats. Hope it was a good one! :) Happy Anniversary.