Monday, October 20, 2008

SaMi'S NeW sHiRt . . . Woo Hoo!!!

Ok So I know its been a while since I've really posted and mostly thats because of the move, no internet yet and totally busy, and also I've been a little sick . . . dont worry its an awesome sick . . . ok so maybe not the sick part, but definitely the reason!! well here Sami's shirt explains it so much better . . . ;)

Isn't that adorable? I got it off this really cute website and they added her name for free! but don't use their extra shipping options because it will pretty much double the good price making it not so good.

Lance and I are totally thrilled to have finally figured out how to get pregnant!! ;) The last year and a half has been really hard and sometimes very painful but we made it and couldn't be happier! I'm so thankful for my family and all their putting up with my complaining about and explaining (with way too much info I'm sure) everything we were going through. They even supported Lance really well in taking his "test" (especially after he passed.) ;) Thanks so much I love you all so very much and am the luckiest person to have so many caring sisters (and brothers) Your interest and caring has truly made it all easier for me. I know your all excited too. So now I invite any of you to go ahead and join me in this pregnancy bliss! ;)

Sami was so excited for a baby "brudder" or "sisser" right up until I told my family and they explained to her she would be sharing (a word my toddler is still struggling to comprehend and associates with extreme pain (or so it would seem)) her room and her toys with her new baby brudder or sisser. Then, all of a sudden she wasn't so excited and looked at me as if we'd all gone mad! It'll be interesting to see how my "only child" handles the change. she's been really supportive this far, watching me throw up, handing me a tissue after she tries to wipe my eyes for me, asking if i was ok and if i was choking. i've been a little worried that all this would tramatize her but my mom assures me that my oldest sister cared for the first couple but after kyle paid no mind to her sicknesses and treated it like an everyday occurance . . which for my mom i think it probably was. well atleast for the next 6 years ;) but she is almost completely certain there was no permanent damage done to the older siblings . . . . i'm not so sure.


Lauren said...

Yeah! Congrats! We are so excited for you guys! Sami will be an awesone big sister. I wouldn't worry! Yeah!!!
Cute idea on how to tell everyone. :)

shreevit2beaver said...


Kyle and Shayla said...

Congrats! again Mel you guys deserve this! Its about time:>
We are all so happy for you!

Eliza said...

Oh Melody I am so excited for you. That whole process sounds awful, but I am so glad it yielded results for you! yeaaa! Sami sounds so dang cute and funny, that is so sweet she gives you a kleenex and asks if you are okay, what a sweetie!