Saturday, September 13, 2008


So, just this last year i aquired a really neat, easy to make, birthday cake idea book for kids. As many of you know I am not a real crafty type of person but this book had some cute ideas and I love to make desserts so I ended up discovering a new hobby that I really enjoy. Now mind you I am no baker and all my cakes come from box mixes, but the decorating and such is really what i enjoy. So anyway, These are a few of my cakes . .. (please keep in mind i am very much an amateur and only do this for people whom I know will still love me no matter how they turn out.) :) btw thanks to all those who've let me use their kids birthday cakes as my guinee pigs.

This is my first "creative" cake. I made it for my daughters first birthday. (its a flower in case you couldn't tell) very simple; two round cakes layered, and a bunch of cupcakes placed strategically around as petals.

This was next, its not a very good picture but its a choo choo train cake for my nephew who LOVES trains. once again two round cakes, side by side, with sprinkles for grass, cookie crumbs for dirt and frosting tracks.

This is Hay-babe's cake. my niece looked through my book and picked a cake as a dress with a doll in the middle. The receipe only called for one bundt cake, but I quickly realized that wouldn't cut it and used two cakes and marshmallows to fill in the top. This was my first doll cake and I like to think they did get better with time. . . .

Syd and Breq liked hay-babe's doll cake so much they both wanted one: This is Syd's Ariel wedding dress cake, and probably one of my favorites; we used 3 cakes this time, cutting the top a smaller circle and made the dress bell. it was lots of fun!

This is the only picture I got of Breq's Birthday Cinderella cake. my mom and dad had to take the cake to the party while I took Lance to the doc and since it was a very hot day the cake had melted and fallen a bit before we got there. (sorry breqy) :(

Hazy's is my most recent cake. Shay found this really cute present cake, but My computer wouldn't bring up the picture and I only had the description. so this is my own rendition of a "gift" cake. one is a double layer sguare cake and the other is a bread pan cake. The ribbons and bows are those yogos rollers and the dots are yogos as well, which seemed to be a big hit with the 7 and under crowd we had!
So if any of you are wondering, this is what I do with my spare time!


Kyle and Shayla said...

Mel once again thanks so much for the darling cakes you have made for my girls! You did a wonderful job! Not to mention it was sure nice not to have to worry about the birthday cake!! I'm bummed I didn't get a picture of you & Hazey together with the cake.

shreevit2beaver said...

WOW Mel, I am really impressed. I love all of those cakes. You are pretty amazing!