Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Update . . .

Ok so nothing new has really been happening with our little family . . . I am STILL pregnant and can not wait until baby brother decides to join us in a couple months! Lance is loving school . . . ok well maybe love isn't the right word but he is doing it so we're loving him for it!! ;) Sami Sam is becoming so independent. At times its actually nice but sometimes when mommy is running late and Sami has to do everything herself it gets a little trying, I just have to learn to be patient and allow myself extra time before I go anywhere so that it isn't quite so stressful allowing my daughter to be a big girl. It breaks my heart sometimes to think of my little angel being a big sister. I can't really explain why it just does. She has been so cute lately I really need to get my camcorder out and record her doing her new "tricks" for me . . . she sings and dances and is just so adorable. She especially loves her aunt Mistie's favorite song . . .the "my mommy not listenen to me all day long" song. Isn't that sweet? She often makes up songs although they all have the same tune and dance that go with it, the words are usually just whatever she's thinking at the time, rarely is the same song sung twice but for some reason the attention she got the first time my family heard her singing about mommy not listening to her stuck and she now sings it religiously! (thanks mist)
Also she love love loves nursery and singing in nursery. Her daddy has to be the one to drop her off because she seems to have a harder time saying goodbye to mommy there :-) but she absolutely loves it one of her favorite songs is "the daddy song" . . . you know "I'm so glad when daddy comes home . . ." she's adorable when we sing it but lance doesn't understand why she sings about daddy and yet mommy always gets the kiss at the end :-) I love it!! One day i will actually figure out how to get her to sing for me when I'm recording her. Maybe i'll just have to be sneaky and do it with my phone or something.
Well, that's all really for now. I'm going to the doctor everyother week now for the baby (ok I should be going every other week but sometimes i go every third week) oops!
Hope everyone is well


Kyle and Shayla said...

Hey! You changed your background! See it wasn't as bad as you thought it was going to be was it. Well, I like it!! Sami is such a cutie bum. They all are getting so big! It's fun and sad all at the same time.

Lauren said...

She's so cute. I feel like it's been a while since we've seen ya... Got any baby brother names yet? It's getting close. :)

Kyle and Shayla said...

Hey Lauren and I just left a comment at the exact same time! Hi Lauren!!

shreevit2beaver said...

I can't believe that Sami is getting so big. She is growing up so fast. I love how she gives you a kiss at the end of the daddy song, how funny.