Friday, December 26, 2008


This is my Little Angel. We took her to get her 2yr old pictures and her Christmas pictures taken a few weeks ago. The entire way there before the pictures we were practicing how she was going to smile, by the time we arrived I was sure she was going to be great. Well, as you can see, once we got there and had the camera in her face all of a sudden she had no idea how to smile. quite frankly i think that running into Breq and Hazy (and their parents) before our session confused Sami especially since she saw how uncle Kyle had smiled for his pictures. She must have thought you are supposed to grind your teeth when someone takes your picture. Thanks Kyle!
But Sami is a lot cuter than Kyle so her pictures still turned out pretty good.
She was so excited with the lady telling her to pose different ways that was definitely her favorite part.