Wednesday, September 10, 2008


If you know my little babe very well then you know she has what some have called an "obsession" with shoes. big shoes, little shoes, girl shoes, boy shoes, mommy's, daddy's, aunt's, uncle's, cousins, grandma's, grandpa's, etc. She LOVES shoes. She's had this obsession since before she could walk, and since she could walk she's had an obsession with wearing all these shoes. my daughter has a very short attention span but if you put her on the floor with 10 pairs of shoes she will try them on and off and walk around in them for hours! Her most favorite pair of shoes are her mommy's high heels and if you know me you know when I say high heels I mean really HIGH heels. Now I don't want to brag or anything but I do believe my daughter is the only almost 2 year old that can walk gracefully in 5 inch heels and has been able to since shortly after learning to walk. Anyhow, I was just watching her as she made me take off the heels i had been wearing today to work so that she could strut around the kitchen in them and thought , I should really take a picture of that and post it on my blog. But of course I wasn't fast enough getting my camera so here are just a few pictures I do have of Sami and her Shoes . . .

This is Sami sporting pink rain boots 3 sizes too big (hand-me-downs from aunt Mistie), her daddy's hat and not much else
Here Sami "borrowed" these shoes from auntie Tracey when she happened to remove them after a shower we threw for a friend

These gems Sami found while digging through my closet one day and she wore them for 24hrs straight
Her poor daddy keeps telling himself this is a phase that will pass (not likely);) he insists that since she is obsessed now by the time she's 12 she'll be bored with all shoes . . . especially the expensive ones! Good luck with that one babe . . . I mean who am I to stiffle her creativity by not buying her lots of different shoes? :)


Lauren said...

ha ha she's so cute! No matter what conversation you're trying to have with her answer will always be "SHOES". Gotta love it! We're excited to babysit tonight. :)

shreevit2beaver said...

A girl after my own heart. You go Sami!